Dunn County
Information and links regarding utilities, acquiring an address, permitting, sanitation, driveway restrictions and permitting, obtaining a mortgage, and other items pertinent to building a home in Dunn County:
Information and links regarding utilities, acquiring an address, permitting, sanitation, driveway restrictions and permitting, obtaining a mortgage, and other items pertinent to building a home in Dunn County:
All new businesses, residential construction, or structures containing living quarters must obtain an address.
Driveway permits for properties accessed from Village or Town Roads are typically issued by the Town or Village board. A building permit is also required for a new home. This permit can be obtained from the local building inspector's office. The inspector ensures your plans comply with local building codes. To get started with your driveway and/or building permit, you will need to contact your Town or Village Chair to inquire about their driveway permitting process. Town and Village Contacts for Driveway permitting. Click here for town and village contacts.
Once you've received a Driveway Permit, you're ready to address your sanitary system needs. Determining whether you have a Private Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (POWTS) or if you're connected to a public sanitary system is an essential first step in settling down. Here's how you can find out:
In Dunn County, the Land Use (Zoning) division of Environmental Services is responsible for overseeing POWTS. They can provide information about your property and whether it has a POWTS or if you're connected to a public sanitary system.
Dunn County Land Use (Zoning) Division Office
3001 US Hwy 12 East, Suite 240
Menomonie, WI 54751
Phone: (715) 231-6520
Email: pandz@co.dunn.wi.us
Visit Website
You can also check your property records, which might indicate whether your property has a septic system or is connected to a public sewer. This information is usually available at the Dunn County Register of Deeds office.
Dunn County Register of Deeds Office
3001 US Hwy 12 East, Suite 112
Menomonie, WI 54751
Phone: (715) 232-1228
Email: rod@co.dunn.wi.us
Visit Website
If you're living in a community that has a public sewer system, your water utility provider can often tell you if your property is connected to the public sewer lines.
If you recently purchased the property, your home inspector might have provided information about the sewage system. Check your home inspection report for details.
Sometimes, asking your neighbors can provide valuable information, especially if they've lived in the area for a long time.
A permit is required from Dunn County to install a septic system. Typically, your plumber will take care of this permit for you. The plumber will reach out to the Land Use (Zoning) Office and go through the permitting process as part of the installation. An approved sanitary permit is required before any Land Use or Zoning permits may be issued. For a list of Licensed Plumbers, please click here.
A permit is required to work in the right-of-way of an Interstate, U.S. or state highway. All of these numbered highways make up the state highway system.
The permitted work may consist of, but is not limited to:
A permit must be obtained from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) prior to the start of any work, and a copy of the permit (either paper or electronic) must be at the work-site at all times.
Under Wis. Stat. s. 86.07(2)(a), the maintaining authority of a highway is also the permitting authority. WisDOT issues permits on most numbered highways. However, many cities and villages maintain segments of state and U.S. highways located within their municipal boundaries. These segments are called connecting highways. Check with WisDOT or the municipality to verify which agency has the permitting authority. Permits for utility work on WisDOT railroad property and state highway detours are not controlled by this statute.
For information on obtaining permits from WisDOT, please follow this link:
Dunn County Environmental Services
Land Use (Zoning) Division Office
3001 US Hwy 12 E., Suite 240
Menomonie, Wisconsin 54751
Office Phone: 715-231-6520
Email: pandz@co.dunn.wi.us
Driveway permits for properties on Dunn County Highways will require a permit from Dunn County Public Works - Highway Division. You may complete this form online at Dunn County Highway Driveway Permit Form. You must mail a check or money order to Dunn County Public Works - Highway Division for your permit fee.
Dunn County Public Works, Highway Division
3303 US Highway 12 East
Menomonie, WI 54751
Email: hwy@co.dunn.wi.us
Phone: 715-232-2181
The locations of electric facilities and service territories are tracked by the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSC). Northern States Power (NSP) and Dunn Energy Cooperative are the two main providers in Dunn County.
To find the name of your electrical, natural gas, broadband, and telephone service providers follow this link (Public Service Commission of Wisconsin - Interactive Service Area Maps).
Tyler Tomaszewski
Phone: (608) 266-2730
Email: Tyler.Tomaszewski@wisconsin.gov
We provide assistance in developing, interpreting, and maintaining compatible land uses and consistent land use controls within Dunn County. The divisions are charged with the development of plans, ordinances, and programs to protect the health, safety, and welfare of our citizens. We encourage the use of a comprehensive planning process to assist county staff, elected officials, town boards, and residents in preparation for a sustainable future.