Workforce Support for West Central Wisconsin Employers

West Central Works has a team of 96 people ready to assist your business. $2 million in federal grant funds are available to support our communities. We have money to help your business, and there’s no red tape involved. Whether you are looking for a windows module installer worker, a new accountant, welders, delivery drivers, entry-level workers, or need more managers - we can help.

Business Support: Small Business Grants 

Wisconsin small business grants typically require submitting a long and complicated application. Not if you go through us for help. West Central Works has already been given funding through the federal government. We can put that money to work helping your businesses. Here are a few of the ways we can do so.



Subsidize specialized training

Special equipment, modernization upgrades, and new lines of business may make it necessary to provide your employees with specialized training. Whether you need to bring someone in from outside the area or train an employee to become a trainer, West Central Works can help to cover the cost. 


Remove barriers like a lack of childcare

If you have employees who want to work full time but can’t due to a lack of affordable childcare, not having the equipment they need to work from home, or needing help finding nearby housing - you’ve come to the right place. Our current grant funding allows us to subsidize the cost of things that could be barriers to working full time. 


Upskill current workers

Incumbent workers can receive training and support to become even more valuable to your organization.


Subsidize workers needing on-the-job training

For example, if you have a line worker who wants to become a welder, we can pay up to 75% of their salary while undergoing training and getting on-the-job experience. You get the employee you need without the risk or upfront cost. 


Pay to relocate new workers

If your position requires special skills, and an out-of-town worker is the best option, we can help to pay for their relocation to remove financial barriers to taking the job. 


Get Your Share of Small Business Grant Funds

The money’s here. The question is - will your business benefit from it? We have the tools and means to help your business solve its workforce challenges. Complete this referral form to get help within 24 hours.


Submit your request to get a response within 24 hours!