Local man creating an app to make traveling easier for those with disabilities

6 Nov 2018

Eau Claire

The 23-year-old with cerebral palsy has seen many countries despite using a wheelchair

When Gabriel Schlieve began planning to move to China with his mother to teach English, many people told them they couldn’t do it.

But instead of giving up his hopes of seeing the world, Gabriel, who was born with cerebral palsy and uses a wheelchair, treats others’ doubts as a challenge. 

He and his mother, Nancy Schlieve, successfully moved to southern China and taught English. He pulled himself out of his wheelchair and climbed the Great Wall of China. The Eau Claire residents have successfully traveled all over the world in his 23 years of life.

“We have so many great opportunities and great things to see in this world — no one should miss out on that,” Gabriel said. “We shouldn’t be told ‘Well, you have cerebral palsy, so you can’t do that.’” 

Now, Gabriel is hoping to make traveling more accessible for those with disabilities with an app of his own creation — “The Rebel Traveler’s Guide to the World.”

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