Myklebust and Livingston-Anderson awarded SARE grants

27 Apr 2017

Andrea Myklebust of Black Cat Farmstead in Stockholm, has recently been awarded a $14,587 grant from the North Central Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program for the project, "Local Linen: Exploring the Feasibility of Small-scale Mechanized Processing of Fiber Flax for Linen Production in Minnesota and Wisconsin."

"Can new technology revive an ancient textile fiber? We explore the feasibility of developing a local linen industry; growing flax in an organic rotation on a diversified farm. We will then utilize a newly-developed mechanical processing equipment to turn flax into linen products: line flax, tow fiber and roving, linen yarns and handmade paper," Myklebust said.

Annelie Livingston-Anderson of Good Turn Farm in Stockholm, was also awarded a $21,850 grant from NCR-SARE for the project, "Using USDA Local Foodsystems Toolkit to Assess and Implement the Best Cooperative Direct Marketing for an Existing Local Food Group to Increase Local Sales."

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