From Hands To Heart: Birch Street Bread Slices Up Homemade Sourdough

9 Jul 2021

News, Eau Claire

If you’re familiar with the baked delicacy known as sourdough bread, then you know its creation is a labor of love – to say the least. Finding just the right starter mixture, dough preparation, and baking method can take years to perfect.

Even the most knowledgeable of bakers know it’s tough to provide the perfect environment for sourdough bread’s natural fermentation process, resulting in the lactic acid that gives the bread its sour flavor.

Results can vary: from a stick-out-your-tongue sour to a dull, unflattering slice of bread. But one local baking aficionado seems to have found the recipe for success, which led to his home-based sourdough bakery, Birch Street Bread. 

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